It is always a good idea to call your employment lawyer before an employee`s dismissal even if the employee has signed an iron clad termination clause. Most of my clients do so and sometimes the call helps the client save thousands of dollars. This past week - like most weeks - I had a number of calls from clients who wanted to terminate an employee.In one case, the employer wanted to terminate a poor performer without just cause...

Workers` compensation claims are always time-consuming and stressful. Not only do employers need to ensure their employees are treated fairly and properly, but they also must make sure the business is able to function correctly while the employee is being cared for medically. To help make sure the process moves smoothly and efficiently, you should first make sure you are...

For car accident victims who sustain injuries, medical bills are often a dreaded reality. Attorney Ken Harrell of Attorneys Firm provides some insight regarding what he believes clients should do about medical bills from a car accident. Our goal for every client that we represent is that we want to make sure that you get full, appropriate medical...

Most people never think that they are going to become disabled, but unfortunately, some do. However, if you become disabled, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. An illness or injury complicates the already frustrating process of filing for Social Security Disability benefits; however, these tips may help you navigate this often stressful situation. Your first thought might be...

Being involved in any type of accident can be stressful and frustrating. You are left trying to figure things out, while the insurance company keeps hounding you for information and to take a settlement on your claim. While you might be considering taking their settlement offer to put an end to it all and get the funding you need to pay your bills, it might be one of the worst mistakes...

Personal injury lawyers are needed when you get hurt and it is not your fault. Whether or not you settle out of court, you need to hire a good personal injury lawyer to help you with your case. However, it is important to hire a good lawyer so you can get the best settlement possible. Here are some tips to hire the right personal injury lawyer. Ask around. Word-of-mouth advertising is the best way...